

The main global challenges have become the focus of dedicated European Union (EU) policies and actions regarding the environment, health, and inclusion. 

Sustainability and health resilience have thus emerged as two priorities for European research, innovation, and education for the coming decades.

Developing innovative solutions for the complex challenges we face will require unprecedented levels of coordination, collaboration, and creativity across diverse disciplines and sectors.

This project aims to prepare learners to meet these challenges by providing transdisciplinary knowledge and competencies that prepare and empower students to develop an understanding of and skills in working with complex and adaptive systems across the natural sciences, engineering, design, and the arts.

Prof. Martin Michael Hanczyc (Trento University) is coordinator of ABRAx.

Objectives of the Master programme

This EMDM aims to design a Complex and Adaptive Systems Across Robotics, Biology, Art, and Design (ABRAx) joint masters programme in Arts and Science with two complementary tracks that will prepare students to develop innovative solutions for complex challenges that cannot be addressed through mono disciplines alone.

The degree provides students with theoretical knowledge, practical skills, and the tools to investigate key concepts of complex and adaptive systems grounded in systems thinking.

Studying complex and adaptive systems includes topics and methods that span biology, computer science, physics, and mathematics and finds practical application and relevance in diverse fields such as architecture, material science, food, energy, medicine, and biotechnologies. 

It is therefore important to reach students with diverse profiles from both scientific and humanistic backgrounds and to make explicit the connections between theory, method, and real-world application for sustainable solutions.

Joint study plan